Children, ages 7-9, after attending and Aspiring Dreamz workshop provided the following testimonials. | |
"I liked how we got to expierience how everybody wants to be. It's very interesting how we think of the future our dreams and I know that I will probably try and use everything that you taught us and actively beome the doctor and or someone having to do with politics and how I know that no matter what anyone says I can't do something that I can do it. all in all it was great! |
"I thought that the workshop was very interesting. I learned a lot, especially about how to set goals for my future. It was a great experience. My favorite part was making the dream dance collage." | |
"It was fun. It was something new and interesting. It was cool to get a group of girls with the same interest (dance) thinking about the future together." | |
When asked what are the most important things they learned from Practical Dreaming 101, children ages 11-12 wrote: | |
"The most important thing I learned when I watch cartoons I think about the persons voice in the cartoons. I learned from my dream board that I want to become a voice for a cartoon character. I think its helpful to practice my voice so I can get better. I thank you for the help you gave me." | |
AP - Winman Jr. H.S.
I learned that you need a good attitude to keep your friends and to earn more friends. You also need to have a good attitude to do something you love and something you have always wanted to do. I learned that you need to always have confidence in yourself. If you don't have confidence in yourself you might just give up and say I can't do it. I learned to never say never. if you say I will never be able to do it. It is like not having confdence in yourself. | |
CC - Drum Rock H.S.
I learned that if you do something that you love you will do better at that than something you don't love. I also leaarned that you will do well in things if you have a positive attitude. I also learned that there are 3 types of goals.: Short-term, mid-term and long-term. I also learned that it is better to have a deadline so that you work harder on your goals. | |
Dear Kelly, |
MW - Winman Jr. H.S. |